Three Levels of Authority for what a Church Does

We discern three levels of authority for what churches do, 1) New Testament Commands, 2) New Testament Practices (not commanded), and 3) Traditions.

Level 1. New Testament Commands

We obey them without delay or argument. Examples:

Commands of Jesus (foundational) "…teaching them to obey all things that I have commanded you…" Mt 28:18-20

Commands of Jesus’ Apostles (for followers of Christ)

Level 2. New Testament Practices (not commanded)

We are free to do them or not; we cannot compel nor prohibit them. Examples:


Level 3. Human Traditions (no mention in N.T.)

Most traditions are good; we prohibit those that hinder obedience. Examples:

Rate the following (to which level of authority do they belong?)

__stand to pray

__formally ordain clergy

__kneel to pray

__women prohesy publicly

__circumcise believers


__memorize prayers

__raise hands to praise God

__make decision for Jesus

__build church buildings

__baptize immediately

__name several elders

__baptize after long study

__pay full time ministers


__mentor new leaders

__sing to express praise

__train leaders in seminary

__wash one another’s feet

__send missionary teams

__disobey unjust civil laws

__observe Lent

__use business to start churches

__form regional associations of churches

__a church governs itself democratically

__call a cluster of churches ‘the church’

__marry a childless brother’s widow

__write church constitutions

__use Sunday School to train children

__form mission agencies

__obey church elders

__translate Bible in new fields

__receive the Holy Spirit

__send missionaries to neglected fields

__speak in tongues

__provide help for drug rehabilitation, etc.

__proclaim Jesus’ resurrection as vital

__do mercy ministry (relief, social work)